The ship had 122 guns although only 112 were used the others were in reserve (its capacity was very large but it was not used in its entirety since it was a warship).NEW SCULPTED ACTION BUTTON! PLEASE CHECK THIS POST There was a cabin (the Captain's Cabin / the Supreme General's ), which had two separate beds that were for high-level officers, Lords and people of great social prestige. On the other hand, the cabins of the senior senior officers ( Admiral, Captain, Lieutenant General, Chief of the Ship and Vice Admiral ), although they slept with bunks, were better than that of the crew, who all slept together in hammocks. The technologies in the ship were very advanced but the crew continued with the same neglect. The capacity was for 1090 people although during the battles it was 1147. The ship had three bridges and four batteries. The ship was sunk in 1735 when the last battle took place due to the incapacity of Lieutenant Groves, who did not want to maneuver without first receiving orders from Beckett, which allowed the Dutch and the Black Pearl to destroy it. It was one of the largest ships that the Royal Navy had and the largest in the entire Caribbean. In 1721, when the Caribbean Sea came under the control of the East India Company, the ship was left at the disposal of the company and therefore at the hands of Lord Cutler Beckett. The ship was built in Jamaica in 1702 for the British Royal Navy. However, in the course of the film the ship is commanded by Lord Cutler Beckett, ambassador, representative and head of the British East India Company in the Caribbean. During the film he is captained by Vice Admiral Steven Jormo, who after Admiral Norrington's death is promoted, becoming in the last battle Admiral General of the Navy. The HMS Endeavor is a fictional ship created as part of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie trilogy. This notice was posted on September 18, 2018.