How, Blizzard, can I effectively be that focal point of magnanimous support and a pillar of raid success when my beautiful new tier armor can never match my hair? How am I supposed to lead gracefully and with assertion when I have to see a pale blue or (god forbid) purple-hued color atop my unhelmeted head? As a main tank, my raid team and guild look to me for guidance, safety, and momentum. As a protection warrior, I need to not only bring my A-game when fighting the nastiest creatures that Ragnaros and the Firelands can throw at me, I have to look good doing it. Let me explain why this is such a frigging big deal to me and all night elves across Azeroth. With the Firelands and tier 12 armor sets, an issue has surfaced that I can no longer stay silent about and has sent me into a spiral of hate-fueled rants to my guildmates as well as sleepless nights over how I am going to cope with this looming curse.

I've turned a blind eye to many aspects of the game that have bothered and bugged me, from disconnects to warrior rage issues. I've been quiet about a lot of issues that World of Warcraft and Cataclysm have brought to light over the six-plus months that the expansion has been rolling. Give us all of the skin tones please! This will be great though.We need to get serious for a minute here. Now give us BElf hairsyles for Void Elves and we're good. Yes! I will finally be able to be a pink haired NElf. Yeah Ice Tauren :D Comment by AkiyamaLight on T17:38:15-05:00 So I'm expecting to see blue haired, blue eyed bloodhigh elves everywhere soon enough! Comment by SyNDiKaTa on T17:34:35-05:00 This pink fits NE well, male elves look silly with pink beard tho Comment by tmptfate on T17:34:12-05:00 I made a reddit post about this about a year ago, I'm happy they actually are finally doing this, I can have my mint green hair on all drans now :D Comment by MEMERMAID on T17:32:49-05:00 I'm a simple man- I see pink, I take pink Comment by MintyPuff on T17:32:23-05:00 Can warlocks get demon hunters demonic features tho? Comment by Ilynalleath on T17:31:17-05:00